Art & Flash Fundraiser

Art & Flash Fundraiser
In memory of Andy Carpenter and in support of Arts Emergency

Join us for an ekphrastic writing workshop celebrating the works of Andy Carpenter and raising funds for Arts Emergency. During the workshop we'll look at a selection of Andy's painting. There will be story prompts inspired by the paintings and time to write in response. Participants will have the opportunity to share what they have written if they would like to.

The workshop is suitable for writers of any literary genre.

Sunday, September 24th

6:00 - 7:30 p.m. UK time

Donate what you can
Every penny raised will go to Arts Emergency

Live Zoom session
NB we do not make recordings of live Zoom sessions

Once you've made a donation you will be sent a thank you message and the zoom link for the session.


Arts Emergency helps young people from underrepresented backgrounds break into the arts and humanities. Since 2013, The charity has opened up opportunities in higher education, the media and arts. Arts Emergency now support over 1,000 young people in London, Brighton, Merseyside and Greater Manchester. The charity provides guidance so they can chart their own course and creates connections to help them get ahead.

Arts Emergency helps young people flourish in higher education and the cultural industries. They currently run mentoring projects in London, Brighton, Manchester, and Merseyside. Their Network members offer crucial gateways into hard to crack industries like TV, publishing and architecture.


Andy Carpenter was an East End Boy who loved to paint. He was the first member of the family to go to university. He studied economics rather than art. But he didn't stop painting. In his last term at uni he wrote in his diary:

I could get a 9-5 job and do my creating in my spare time. But when I'm working I'll say, 'oh it can wait - I've got all my life'. Then the 9-5 job becomes important. More important than the real work - creation will take a back seat. We can't all be writers, painters, poets etc But it's made unnecessarily difficult.

He'd be saddened to see how, increasingly, working class kids are being priced out of art education and employment. This is why we chose to fundraise for Arts Emergency

We lost dad to Alzheimers in February. He leaves behind him a family of writers, academics, historians, artist and linguists who miss him very much.