29 Funny Flashes
A One-Word Yet Possibly... by Ingrid Jendrzejewski
An Alpaca Walked In by Catherine O’Brien
Aries: Big Dick Energy by Ken Elkes
Cialis by Dave Housley
Corporate Announcement Regarding the Monster on the Stairs by Cecilia Kennedy
Fun Things to Try at Work When You're Quiet Quitting by Suzanne Hicks
Fussy Eater by Gaynor Jones
Two Dudes and Three Witches by Chris Cottom
Gap In My CV by Erik Kennedy
Homo sapien allotmentitus Observed by Marie Gethins
Hungover Bear Essentials by Evan Allgood
I'm a Rubber Duck and I'm Resigning from My Position at Bathtub Inc. by Emily Kapp & Daniel Stillman
In the Pink by Susmita Ramani
My All-Purpose Acceptance Speech by Serena Jayne
My Aunt's New Haircut by Julia Ruth Smith
Nipple Gun with Brest Milk Shots by Alice Kinerk
On Reflection We’ve Decided We’re Going to Keep You by Gary Duncan
Ragnarök Postponed by Tavia Allan
Roleplay by Natalie Warther
Spiders at the Crematorium by Emma Robertson
Sure You Can Regulate My Uterus by Kathryn Baecht
The Feast of Fabian According to Theobald The Pious by Karen Walker
The Liberation of Anita Muff by Jude Potts
The Pantheon Ombudsman by Sarah Oakes
The Rapture by Nancy Stohlomn
The Yeti Who Lives Alone In The California Suburbs by Eliot Li
Tiny Lionel Richie In My Driveway by Michael Loveday
Wedding Guests by Fancine Witte
Who Cares about Bleeding Walls When It’s a Fixed-Rate Mortgage? by Samuel Edwards
With many thanks to Chris Cottom, Gaynor Jones, James Montgomery, Karen Walker, Ken Elkes, Matt Kendrick, Michael Loveday, Sarah Oakes, S.A. Greene, and Sumitra Singam for their help with putting this list together.